Eligible and interested Candidates can apply
through our Online Recruitment System. For future reference, use your
E-mail address as your user ID. You can register yourself anytime at our
Online Recruitment System by filling up our Resume Registration Form.
After successful registration, you will be given a Register
Identification (RID) Number which will enable you to apply for any
Advertised/Opening Job or edit your Resume anytime.
Instruction for Applications
Step 1:
You must have a Register ID to apply any Opening Job. The instruction at the Menu Instruction »About Registration regarding Resume Registration will help you to properly register and get you a registered ID.
Step 2:
Click on Registration to access the Email
Verification & Registration Form. Provide your E-mail, Home District
& Date of Birth. After successful submission, you will receive a
Mail from Career::Janata Bank and get a Link to verify your E-mail.
Step 3:
Click on the " link" to open E-mail verification form. Again click on the button Click here to Detail Registration for your Resume .
Step 4:
The Resume Registration Form will open. Please read the instructions carefully to complete the Registration.
Step 5:
After completing all the fields, Submit your Resume. After
successful submission of your resume you will get a ‘Thanks Window' with
a Registrered Identification (RID) Number which you can use as a
reference for editing/updating your resume at a later date or to Apply
for a specific job vacancy offered in future.
Step 6:
Click on the Available Job Menu to see the Opening Job. Select the certain post you intend to Apply. Click on the button Apply Online then you will get a Form where you have to provide Registered ID & Password. Click on the Submit button to Apply.
Step 7:
After submission you will see a ‘Thanks Window’ with a Tracking
Number for that post only. To print ‘Pay-In Slip’ please click on the
Link provided for paying Application Processing Fee.